battle of the “pros” ~ procrastination vs productivity

Hello dear readers,

The “PROs”… the good, the bad, and the downright ugly ones. “PRO” doesn’t automatically refer to something good! When it comes to success in the business world, there are some good "pros" that can help you thrive and some bad "pros" that can hold you back. And then there are the very ugly "pros" that can destroy everything you've worked hard to build.

In this blog, I wanted to delve into the fascinating realm of procrastination, uncover its psychological underpinnings, and equip you with practical strategies to overcome it. Procrastination. It's a common foe we've all faced at some point in our lives, especially in the fast-paced world of business. Despite our best intentions, we often find ourselves trapped in its grasp, hindering our progress and delaying our success.

To overcome “PRO”crastination, in order to be more “PRO”ductive, we need to understand its underlying causes and reframe our mindset.

Understanding Procrastination

Procrastination is more than just a bad habit; it's a complex psychological phenomenon rooted in our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Research shows that it stems from various factors, including fear of failure, perfectionism, lack of motivation, and poor time management skills.

1. Embrace Imperfection

As Russell Brand once said; "Perfection is the disease of a nation." Often, we procrastinate because we strive for perfection, fearing that our work won't measure up. Embrace the notion that progress is more important than perfection. Take imperfect action, learn from it, and iterate along the way. Remember, done is better than perfect.

2. The Psychological Impact of Procrastination

Procrastination not only affects our productivity but also takes a toll on our mental well-being. Studies have shown that chronic procrastination is associated with increased stress, lower self-esteem, and decreased overall life satisfaction. The good news is that we can break this cycle! Building on the work of psychologist Dr. Timothy Pychyl, we can adopt a self-compassionate approach to combat the negative effects of procrastination.

3. Unleash Your Why

Identify your core motivations and align your tasks with your long-term goals. Clearly define why each task is meaningful and how it contributes to your overall success. When your purpose is crystal clear, it becomes easier to resist the temptation to procrastinate.

4. Tame the Procrastination Monster

Visualize procrastination as a monster lurking in the shadows. Give it a name and imagine it as a cartoonish character with exaggerated features if must. Whenever you catch yourself procrastinating, picture this comical character and ask yourself, "Am I going to let the procrastination monster win?" Playfully challenge this inner saboteur and reclaim your focus.

Perfection is the disease of a nation.
— Russell Brand

So, what are the action steps to overcome procrastination?

Now that we've explored the psychology of procrastination, let's look into some practical steps you can take to defeat this productivity thief.


Step 1: Identify Your Procrastination Triggers

Pay attention to the specific situations, environments, or tasks that trigger your procrastination tendencies. Is it a certain type of project, a particular time of day, or external distractions? Once you pinpoint your triggers, you can develop strategies to mitigate their impact.


Step 2: Break It Down

Large, overwhelming tasks often fuel procrastination. Break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Create a step-by-step action plan with clear milestones, giving yourself a sense of progress and achievement along the way.


Step 3: Use Time Blocking

Time blocking is a powerful technique to combat procrastination. Allocate dedicated time slots for specific tasks or projects in your schedule. Treat these time blocks as sacred appointments with yourself, eliminating the temptation to delay or postpone.


Step 4: Prioritize and Delegate

Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritize your workload and focus on high-value activities that align with your goals. Delegate tasks that can be effectively handled by others, freeing up your time and mental energy for the tasks that truly require your expertise.


Step 5: Leverage Accountability

Accountability can be a powerful antidote to procrastination. Find an accountability partner, mentor, or coach who can support and hold you accountable for your commitments. Share your goals and progress with them regularly, celebrating wins and learning from setbacks.

Step 6: Make it Fun!

Inject some fun into the process with these exercises: 

- The Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a short break. Set a timer and challenge yourself to complete as much as possible within each interval.

 - The Power of Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize yourself successfully completing a task. Engage your senses and imagine the satisfaction and relief you'll feel. Visualization can boost motivation and help overcome procrastination.

 - Create a Procrastination Playlist: Curate a playlist

So, fellow business enthusiasts, let's focus on the good "pros", address the bad ones, and steer clear of the ugly ones! By doing so, we can create a culture of success, integrity, and sustainability that benefits everyone.

Let us learn from one another, share our experiences, and grow together as we navigate the challenges of business and life.

Stay productive, stay organized, and stay in touch! That’s all my Glove-Talk for now!

Now go conquer the week, you productivity master, you!

Olga :)

PS. White-Glove PA is in your corner!

Reach out if you need help managing your business’ daily tasks! Offload your time-consuming tasks and let me handle your administrative goals, while you steer the ship and have more freedom to focus on your high-priority projects (that only you can do) to reach your own goals!


battle of the “pros” ~ setting smart goals & priotizing like a pro


the art of time management