the art of time management

White-Glove PA ~ The Art of Time Management

Hello dear readers,

This is my very first blog post! And as I sit down to write about time management for busy executives, I can't help but reflect on what a whirlwind of activity the past few weeks were! So I would like to start the inspiration of this blog post with a little personal story and experience;

When the idea of White-Glove PA came to me, I was immediately captivated by it! As an individual, when I put my mind to something, I give it my all to any task I undertake. And so, I threw myself into creating my business with a passion and dedication that left me little time to think about anything else. I was so consumed by the task at hand that I almost forgot about the importance of time management, both in business and in my personal life.

On the 30th of March, I started to build this website from scratch. I designed and created every little detail, from the logo to the layout, the design, the photography, and descriptions from services to pricing all the way down to the t's and c's. Within days, I registered my business name “White-Glove PA” and all the relevant details to make it official. Even Google has me noted! I also got all my preferred social media platforms set up too! On the 7th of April, when all was set, I announced my new venture with a little post on social media! And on the 11th of April, I started to work in a casual position that I was offered, working full-time in the heart of Perth on the glorious terrace! I couldn’t think of any exclamation other than “How utterly blessed!?”

You are familiar with the saying “to be thrown in the deep end”. But I think the appropriate description would be that I willingly and eagerly threw myself into the Bermuda Triangle with reckless abandon! Without any floaties, lifejackets, or compass for that matter! All I thought was “Just do it! If you want it, you’ve got to earn it! Boo-yah!”

It took a much-needed reminder from my husband that prompted me to take a step back and evaluate how I was spending my time... I was reminded by his wisdom that I needed to prioritize and find a balance between my personal life (being little wifey, and mother of our four beautiful children) and my professional life. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly proud of what I have accomplished so far, but that realization led me to reflect on the importance of time management and the impact it can have on all aspects of our lives.

How fitting, I thought, to create and write about time management as my very first blog post! Tah-dah!

As clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson once said, "The successful among us delay gratification. The successful among us bargain with the future." And that's what I intend to do - build a successful business while still prioritizing my family and personal life. Through my journey, I've learned that time management is not only about getting things done quickly but also about using your time efficiently, setting priorities, and being accountable for how you spend your time. It's about finding the right balance that allows you to achieve your goals without sacrificing other essential aspects of your life.

I am so grateful to my husband who has been my anchor through all of this, and for opening my eyes so I don’t burn out or forget my place as the heart of our home. And my father-in-law deserves a huge shout-out too, who helped spoil the kids this school holidays so I could focus on working as a city girl, And I couldn’t thank all my friends and family who supported me from the sidelines! What sheer grace and blessings from above!

So, my dear readers, today I’m talking about “The Art of Time Management” for all you busy execs out there. You know who you are – you're juggling meetings, emails, phone calls, and all sorts of other shiz, and you're wondering how the hell you're supposed to fit it all in.

Well, fear not, because I've got some tips and tricks for you that'll have you feeling like a freakin' time management ninja in no time.

First off, let's hear some wisdom from the clinical psychologist and all-around smart dude Jordan B. Peterson. He says; "Make friends with people who want the best for you." Now, you might be thinking, "What the hell does that have to do with time management?" But think about it – the people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your productivity and success. If you're hanging out with a bunch of slackers who are always wasting time, it's gonna be harder for you to stay focused and get any shiz done.

Make friends with people who want the best for you.
— Jordan B. Peterson

Next up, we've got Stephen R. Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." He says; "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Boom! That's some deep stuff right there. Basically, what he's saying is that you need to figure out what's most important to you and make sure you're devoting your time and energy to that stuff. Don't let other people's demands dictate your schedule – take control and prioritize what matters most to you.

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
— Stephen R. Covey

And let's not forget about Richard Branson, the ultimate Mr. Entrepreneur. He says; "If you don't have time for the small things, you won't have time for the big things." Yes! Sometimes we get so caught up in the big picture stuff that we forget about the little things that can make a big difference. Don't neglect the small tasks – they can add up and make a big impact in the long run.

If you don’t have time for the small things, you won’t have time for the big things.
— Richard Branson

So, what are some practical tips for managing your time like a boss? Here are a few ideas:

  • Use a planner or calendar to keep track of your schedule and deadlines

  • Prioritize your to-do list based on importance and urgency

  • Delegate tasks when possible to free up your time for more important stuff

  • Set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself

  • Take breaks and make time for self-care to avoid burnout

There you go – some wisdom and advice from some of the smartest and most successful people out there. Remember, time management is a skill that can be learned and mastered with practice, so don't beat yourself up if you're not a pro at it yet. Keep at it, stay focused, and you'll be a time management ninja in no time!

Join me in raising a glass to the art of time management! Let us learn from one another, share our experiences, and grow together as we navigate the challenges of business and life.

Stay productive, stay organized, and stay in touch! That’s all my Glove-Talk for now!

Now go conquer the week, you productivity master, you!

Olga :)

PS. White-Glove PA is in your corner!

Reach out if you need help managing your business’ daily tasks! Offload your time-consuming tasks and let me handle your administrative goals, while you steer the ship and have more freedom to focus on your high-priority projects (that only you can do) to reach your own goals!


battle of the “pros” ~ procrastination vs productivity