battle of the β€œpros” ~ setting smart goals & priotizing like a pro


Hello dear readers,

"The Battle of the Pro's" is a series, where we dive deep into the strategies and techniques used by professionals to be β€œPRO”ductive, and ultimately conquer their goals.

In this edition, we explore a hole-in-one new journey in the world of setting SMART goals and prioritizing tasks. In the game of life and business, setting SMART goals and mastering the art of prioritization is like teeing off with precision and sinking the perfect putt.

Now, you might be wondering, "What the hell do I know about golf... or business?" Fair question!

Well, let me take you on a little journey through the unlikely corridors of my upbringing. You see, I was raised by one of South Africa's most prestigious businessmen, and he had a profound love for three things: Business, golf, and raising me to be a business lady. Oh, and he loves a good braai, too!

From the time I could barely pronounce "Good morning!" while answering his office switchboard (circling around on an office chair that had wheels), I was raised into the world of business. And when Dad's golf games rolled around, I wasn't exactly swinging clubs like a pro... Hahaha, nooooo, I was running around the course like a hyperactive squirrel on a mission to find stray kittens to rescue and raise back home, and go on treasure hunts for lost golf balls.

While I didn’t become the next golf prodigy or business tycoon, amidst those seemingly mundane childish activities, I had a front-row seat to observe Dad in action; Strategizing, negotiating deals, his focus, his calculated moves, and his unwavering determination (both on the golf course and in the boardroom)! I may not have been able to fully grasp the complexities of the game or the intricacies of his business dealings at that tender age, but those experiences left an indelible impression.

And in those moments, I learned valuable lessons about life, business, and yes, even golf.

So grab your clubs, adjust your mindset, and let's explore how to reach new heights because this blog is to provide you with some handy tools and inspiration that I gathered from some of the most ethical legends in the world.


In life, especially in the business world, it's crucial to set goals that are SMART!
S - specific, M - measurable, A- attainable, R - relevant, and T - time-bound.

Picture each goal as a fairway leading to success. Just as precision is crucial on the golf course, being clear and specific about what you want to achieve sets the stage for success. Aligning your goals with these principles ensures clarity and direction in your swings:

  • Break it down: Just as a golf swing requires breaking it down into smaller steps, dissect your goals into manageable chunks.

  • Measure your swing: Monitoring your progress is as essential as keeping score on the golf course. Track key metrics and milestones to gauge success.

  • Aim for the sweet spot: Like aiming for the sweet spot on your clubface, set attainable goals that push you out of your comfort zone without veering into the rough.

  • Stay on the fairway: Keep your goals relevant to your overall game plan, ensuring they contribute to your long-term vision.

  • Set a tee time: Assign deadlines to your goals, creating a sense of urgency and motivation to take decisive action.

β€œSuccess is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”
— Robert Collier


Just as golfers must navigate bunkers and water hazards, prioritization helps you avoid distractions and stay focused on your most important objectives. Let's explore some techniques to keep you on the fairway:

  • Birdie or bogey: Prioritize your goals based on their impact and urgency. Focus on the ones that can deliver the most significant results.

  • The Mulligan Rule: Learn from your mistakes and adjust your priorities accordingly. Flexibility and adaptability are vital when the unexpected occurs.

  • "Keep your eye on the ball": Maintain laser-sharp focus by eliminating time-wasting activities and delegating non-essential tasks.

  • The Caddy's Wisdom: Seek guidance from mentors, colleagues, or even the wisdom of ethical business leaders. Their experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration.

β€œThe difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”
— Vince Lombardi


Just as professional golfers dedicate countless hours to honing their skills, striving to be successful requires unwavering dedication and a commitment to continuous improvement:

  • Dedication and Practice: Embrace deliberate practice, challenge yourself to push beyond your comfort zone, and seek opportunities for growth in all aspects of your life.

  • Mental Resilience: Cultivate mental resilience by adopting a growth mindset, embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and developing strategies to overcome obstacles with grace and determination.

  • Attention to Detail: From analyzing the terrain to selecting the right club, professional golfers pay meticulous attention to every detail. Similarly, strive for excellence by focusing on the finer points of your goals and tasks. Embrace a mindset of thoroughness, pay attention to the little things that can make a big difference, and strive for precision in your actions.

  • Continuous Learning: Adopt an attitude of curiosity and continuous learning in your pursuit of excellence. Stay abreast of industry trends, seek out mentors and experts, read books, attend workshops, and embrace opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills.

β€œFoster the habits of those people you could imagine becoming and whose lives, or elements of their lives, you would consider successful.”
— Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Remember that success requires careful planning, focused swings, and the occasional putt from the rough. By setting SMART goals and mastering the art of prioritization, you'll find yourself driving toward new horizons in both business and life. Grip your clubs, visualize the perfect shot, and prepare to conquer the fairway of success! Fore!

So, fellow business enthusiasts, let's focus on the good "pros", address the bad ones, and steer clear of the ugly ones! By doing so, we can create a culture of success, integrity, and sustainability that benefits everyone.

Let us learn from one another, share our experiences, and grow together as we navigate the challenges of business and life.

Stay productive, stay organized, and stay in touch! That’s all my Glove-Talk for now!

Now go conquer the week, you productivity master, you!

Olga :)

PS. White-Glove PA is in your corner!

Reach out if you need help managing your business’ daily tasks! Offload your time-consuming tasks and let me handle your administrative goals, while you steer the ship and have more freedom to focus on your high-priority projects (that only you can do) to reach your own goals!


battle of the β€œpros” ~ procrastination vs productivity